Step 1: Install ‘my chrome theme’ extension in Google Chrome Chrome Web Store >> Search ‘My Chrome Theme’ >> Add to Chrome Step 2: My Chrome Theme icon will be displayed in the App tab in Google Chrome Step 3: Click the icon >> Start Making theme and follow the instructions displayed in the App.
Integrating Apache Tomcat in Eclipse So I put this huge idea of mine (an exaggeration really) into a web app and wanted to run it on Tomcat. However, exporting the project to WAR file, deploying it on Tomcat and starting the web server was too much to do every time I made a simple change ...
Step 1. download the Notepad++ compare plugin from here Step 2. Extract the downloaded zip file and copy “ComparePlugin.dll” to ‘<Notepad++>unicodeplugins’ directory <<<<or>>>> Step 1. Menu Bar >> Plugins >> Plugin Manager >> Show Plugin Manager Step 2. Check the Compare checkbox and press install Step 3. Open notepad++ ...
Step 1: Open both the documents in MS Word 2010. Step 2: In view tab click ‘view side by side’ button. Step 3: If more than two documents are opened in MS Word 2010 , dialogue box will be displayed. Step 4: Choose the second document from the dialogue box. Note: To remove synchronous scrolling ...
To change the waiting time for scandisk to run click: start -> run type: cmd(to open command prompt) type: CHKNTFS /T:4 (where 4 is the amount of wait time – in seconds.) for more information you can type- CHKNTFS /? at the command prompt
Step 1. Plugins menu >> Spell-Checker >> How to use… Step 2: Now follow the link in the “How to use Spell-Checker” window to Step 3: You need to download binary file for library software and pre-compiled dictionary in the language you prefer. 1. Binary file 2. Pre compiled dictionary Step 4. Install both ...
Description : So you have a dual booting (Ubuntu and Windows) system?? Here is how to change the default OS when dual booting Ubuntu (10.10) and Windows 7 Note: applicable when GRUB is default boot loader Solution: 1. Open terminal. 2. cd /boot/grub 3. sudo gedit grub.cfg(menu.lst for previous versions) 4. provide password. 5. You’ll ...