Building a Chat-Application

Hello Everyone, We’ve started a Youtube channel named Coddicted and the first series that we’re going to showcase you is about building a WhatsApp like Chat application on Android. Here’s the first in the series of videos: This is still a work-in-progress, but, we hope you enjoy the series as much as we’ve enjoyed creating ...

Convert JSON to Java POJO

Convert JSON to Java POJO
Here’s a brief tutorial to covert JSON to JAVA POJOs (code) or in other words, generating Java POJOs from a given JSON definition. This could prove really handy in the Microservices world, where you may have to work with and generate a lot of request response objects whether it be internal or third party API ...

Running Hadoop Example(TDG/CH02) on Cloudera Quick Start VM 1

prerequisite 1. VMWare Player (Oracle VM box didn’t work for me) Download VMWare Player 2. Cloudera Quick Start VM Download Cloudera Quick Start VM 3. Download CH02 example java code from here. 4. create a folder BigDataAssignment1/code(name it whatever you want) inside /home/cloudera/workspace/ 5. Download hadoop-core-0.20.2.jar from here and place it inside code folder you ...

The OnePlus One: unpacking in pictures.

The OnePlus One: unpacking in pictures.
Hi everyone, Wish you all a very happy and productive new year. 🙂 Hope you are having an excellent run so far. For the first post of the new year we bring you the unpacking of one of the most talked about phone in tech community: the OnePlus One. Titled as “the flagship killer”, the ...

Matlab code to create k-connected Harary Graph 4

Matlab code to create k-connected Harary Graph
The following is a MATLAB script to create a k-connected Harary Graph of n-nodes. Clearly the inputs required are n (no of nodes) and k (degree of each node). Also, while the code is a MATLAB script the basic technique to generate the adjacency matrix of the graph can be easily adopted to other languages ...

Write with Unicode in MS Word 1

Writing special characters with Unicode values in MS Word/ Converting Unicode values to corresponding (special) characters in MS-Word : (NOTE: This method is tried and tested with MS-Word 2007 and 2010) MS Word provides a special facility of putting in special symbols in your document. You can go to “Insert tab → Symbol → More symbols”, find ...

Windows Media Player 5.1 in XP

Opens the old media player       click: start > run type: mplay32

Splitting file using 7-zip

You can split a file while compressing it using 7-zip, which can be merged later at the time of decompression(extraction) -Compressing : Select the size of the chunk from the “Split to volume bytes” dropdown or edit the same clicking inside the dropdown.   Decompressing : Place all the chunks generated in the same folder and ...

Show the Developer Tab on the Ribbon in MS Excel 1

Step 1. Open MS Excel and goto File tab Step 2. Select options Step 3. From the Excel options dialog box select Customize Ribbon option Step 4. From the List of checkboxes provided on the Right hand side , check mark the Developer checkbox and click OK Step 5. Step 6 . Developer Tab will ...

Shift Keys not working

Problem Statement : To be more precise the problem statement is “Shift Keys are not working with certain character keys” in windows 7   Cause : The most likely cause of this problem is some windows update which you did in the recent past.   Solution : Try restoring the system to some safe restore point.