Step-By-Step Guide: How to create an AMI from an EC2 Instance

Step-By-Step Guide: How to create an AMI from an EC2 InstanceStep-By-Step Guide: How to create an AMI from an EC2 Instance
Table of ContentsHigh-level ArchitectureStep 1. Create an EC2 instanceStep 2. Create an AMI High-level Architecture Step 1. Create an EC2 instance a. Create an EC2 instance with the following config Name: MyEC2Server AMI: Amazon Linux 2023 AMI b. Create a Key Pair (pem extension), with name MyKeyPair c. Create a Security Group named ‘MyEC2Server_SG’, to ...

Step-By-Step Guide: How to Enable Versioning for AWS S3

Step-By-Step Guide: How to Enable Versioning for AWS S3Step-By-Step Guide: How to Enable Versioning for AWS S3
Versioning Versioning is a means for keeping multiple variants of the same object in the bucket. Versioning is used to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in an S3 bucket. Versioning is done at the S3 Bucket level. Versioning can be enabled from the AWS Console / SDKs / API. Versioning, ...

Step-By-Step Guide: How to use AWS Secrets Manager

Step-By-Step Guide: How to use AWS Secrets ManagerStep-By-Step Guide: How to use AWS Secrets Manager
Table of ContentsArchitecture DiagramStep-By-Step GuideStep 1. Create Aurora Serverless Database with CredsStep 2. Verify Secrets in Secrets ManagerStep 3. Application queries Data secret from Secrets Manager Step 4. Secrets Manager retrieves the secret, decrypts it, and returns the password to the applicationStep 5. The application parses the credentials and uses them to access the database ...

Step-By-Step Guide: Enable sticky sessions in the Application Load balancer

Step-By-Step Guide: Enable sticky sessions in the Application Load balancerStep-By-Step Guide: Enable sticky sessions in the Application Load balancer
Table of ContentsArchitecture DiagramStep-By-Step GuideStep 1. Create a Security Group for the load balancer and EC2 InstanceStep 2. Launch 2 EC2 InstancesStep 3. Create target group and application load balancerStep 4. Enable stickiness by modifying the Target Group attributeStep 5. Testing the stickiness Architecture Diagram Step-By-Step Guide Step 1. Create a Security Group for the ...

Step-By-Step Guide: Mount Elastic File System (EFS) on EC2

Step-By-Step Guide: Mount Elastic File System (EFS) on EC2Step-By-Step Guide: Mount Elastic File System (EFS) on EC2
Table of ContentsArchitecture DiagramStep 1. Launch Two EC2 InstancesStep 2. Create an Elastic File SystemStep 3. Mount the EFS File System to EC2 instancesStep 4. Testing the file system A step-by-step guide on how to mount Elastic File System (EFS) on AWS EC2 instances. Architecture Diagram Step 1. Launch Two EC2 Instances a. Launch an ...

Step-By-Step Guide: Accessing S3 objects via S3 Pre-signed URLs

Step-By-Step Guide: Accessing S3 objects via S3 Pre-signed URLsStep-By-Step Guide: Accessing S3 objects via S3 Pre-signed URLs
Table of ContentsHigh-level ArchitectureStep 0. Create an S3 bucket, copy the Image file and the codeStep 1. Launch an EC2 InstanceStep 2. Connect and Install Python and Virtualenv on E2 InstanceStep 3. Copy the image file and the code from S3 to the EC2 instanceNoteStep 4. Run your Flask Web Application ServerStep 5. Access the ...

Step-By-Step Guide: Allocate Elastic IP Address and Associating with an EC2 instance

Step-By-Step Guide: Allocate Elastic IP Address and Associating with an EC2 instanceStep-By-Step Guide: Allocate Elastic IP Address and Associating with an EC2 instance
Table of ContentsIntroductionBenefitsStatic Public IPReliabilityIP WhitelistingElastic Load BalancingReverse DNSAWS Resource ManagementCost-EffectiveHigh-level ArchitectureStepsStep 1. Launch EC2Step 2. Login to EC2 instance using PuttyStep 3. Install and Start Apache HTTP ServerStep 4. Create a test.html and access it via browserStep 5. Stop and Start the instance.Step 6. Allocate Elastic IP address and Attach it to the instanceConclusion ...

Step by Step Guide: Launch and Connect to an AWS EC2 instance

Step by Step Guide: Launch and Connect to an AWS EC2 instanceStep by Step Guide: Launch and Connect to an AWS EC2 instance
Table of ContentsStep 1. Sign in to AWS Management ConsoleStep 2. Launch an EC2 Instance with desired specificationsStep 3. Connect to an EC2 instanceStep 4. Install an Apache Server on the instance Step 5. Create a web page and publish it on the instance Architecture Step 1. Sign in to AWS Management Console Step 2. ...

AWS EC2 Termination Logic

AWS EC2 Termination LogicAWS EC2 Termination Logic
When it comes to EC2 instances termination logic, or scale-in events, Amazon EC2 follows a well-defined process to efficiently manage and optimize resource allocation. The termination logic primarily revolves around removing instances from an Auto Scaling group in response to scaling policies or events. EC2 instances are terminated based on configurable rules and algorithms that ...

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting up AWS ALB using AWS CLI

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting up AWS ALB using AWS CLIStep-by-Step Guide: Setting up AWS ALB using AWS CLI
Table of ContentsAWS ALB SetupPrerequisiteIf you don’t have one, create a default vpcGet the aws cli if you don’t already have itConfigure your aws cliGet the AMI id of the free tier-eligible AMIGet the AMI id of the free tier-eligible AMIList your VPCsCreate an environment variable for your VPCUse a key pair from your existing ...