Solved! Leetcode 72. Edit Distance


Edit Distance

Given two strings word1 and word2, return the minimum number of operations required to convert word1 to word2.

You have the following three operations permitted on a word:

  • Insert a character
  • Delete a character
  • Replace a character

Example 1:
Input: word1 = “horse”, word2 = “ros”
Output: 3

  1. horse -> rorse (replace ‘h’ with ‘r’)
  2. rorse -> rose (remove ‘r’)
  3. rose -> ros (remove ‘e’)

Example 2:
Input: word1 = “intention”, word2 = “execution”
Output: 5

  1. intention -> inention (remove ‘t’)
  2. inention -> enention (replace ‘i’ with ‘e’)
  3. enention -> exention (replace ‘n’ with ‘x’)
  4. exention -> exection (replace ‘n’ with ‘c’)
  5. exection -> execution (insert ‘u’)


  • 0 <= word1.length, word2.length <= 500
  • word1 and word2 consist of lowercase English letters.

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