Locality of Reference

Analysis of a large number of typical program has shown that the references to memory at any given interval of time tend to be confined within a few localized areas in memory. This is phenomenon is known as the property of locality of reference.          Over short interval of time, the addresses generated ...

Hardwired control and Micro-programmed control

There are two major types of control organization – Hardwired control and micro-programmed control.    S.No. Hardwired Control                  Micro-programmed Control  1.  The control logic is implemented with gates, flip-flops, decoders. It can be optimized to produce fast mode of operation.  The control information is stored in control memory. The control memory is ...

Instruction codes

Instruction codes
The organization of the computer is defined by its internal registers, the timing and control structure and the set of instruction that it uses.The internal organization of a digital system is defined by the sequence of microoperations it performs on data stored in its registers The user of a computer can control the process by ...

Cache Memory

A cache is a component that transparently stores data so the future requests for the data can be served faster.The data that is stored within a cache, might be values that have been computed earlier or duplicates of the original values that are stored elsewhere. Cache Hit, Cache Miss If requested data is contained in ...

Addressing Modes 1

Various Addressing modes as used in Computer Architecture: Register ADD R1,R2 ,R3 means : R1 comments : used when a value is in register Immediate ADD R1, R2 , 1 means : R1 comment : used when a constant is needed Direct ADD R1 , R2 , (100) means : R1 comment : used to ...