Locality of Reference

Analysis of a large number of typical program has shown that the references to memory at any given interval of time tend to be confined within a few localized areas in memory. This is phenomenon is known as the property of locality of reference.          Over short interval of time, the addresses generated ...

Processes and Threads

Processes A processes is the “heaviest” unit of  kernel scheduling. Processes own resources allocated by the operating system. Resources include a. memory b. file handler c. sockets d. device handler e. windows Processes do not share address space or file resources except through explicit methods such as inheriting file handles or shared memory segments or ...

Hardwired control and Micro-programmed control

There are two major types of control organization – Hardwired control and micro-programmed control.    S.No. Hardwired Control                  Micro-programmed Control  1.  The control logic is implemented with gates, flip-flops, decoders. It can be optimized to produce fast mode of operation.  The control information is stored in control memory. The control memory is ...

Instruction codes

Instruction codes
The organization of the computer is defined by its internal registers, the timing and control structure and the set of instruction that it uses.The internal organization of a digital system is defined by the sequence of microoperations it performs on data stored in its registers The user of a computer can control the process by ...

Decidability of Languages 6

Decidability of Languages
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Closure Properties of Languages

Closure Properties of Languages
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Types of Delays

Types of Delays
Types of Delays 1. Nodal processing delay 2. Queuing delay 3. Transmission delay 4. Propagation delay     (1-2)Processing delay a. The time required to examine the packets header and determine where to direct the packet. b. Other factors include,  the time needed to check for bit level errors in the packet that occurred in transmitting the ...

Theory of Automata

Definition of Automaton: An Automaton is a “self-acting” system that operates on a set of input symbols (one at a time) and decides whether or not to accept the given input sequence. Sometimes it may optionally produce some output sequence as well. Formally an Automaton may be defined to consist of the following: 1.       Input: A ...

The Havel Hakimi Algorithm 3

The Havel Hakimi Algorithm
The Havel Hakimi algorithm gives a systematic approach to answer the question of determining whether it is possible to construct a simple graph from a given degree sequence.   Take as input a degree sequence S and determine if that sequence is graphical That is, can we produce a graph with that degree sequence?   ...

Tech Jargon

 Words  Explanation  Context A context is the contents of a CPU’s registers and program counter at any point in time.  Process A process (also sometimes referred to as a task) is an executing/ running instance of a program.  Threads Threads are lightweight processes that can run in parallel and share an address space (i.e., a ...